Due to local efforts, the Christchurch Transport Department has agreed that ecologically responsible, shielded, amber 2200 K LED street lighting is ideally suited to the small and tranquil community Birdlings Flat. While this place is unusual in the fact that the a large proportion of residents didn't want any street lights at all, since the infrastructure was already in place, a compromise was reached. This involved removing all of the existing high-pressure sodium lamps and installing only three PC amber 2200 K, which are turned off at midnight.
The community was involved in a six-month trial to obtain feedback before this decision was made. You can watch the short video below to learn more about what was involved.
The resulting outcome is also explained in the text below right of the video clip.
Banks Peninsula is home to the Hector's Dolphin, the world's smallest and rarest dolphin. There are also the world's smallest penguin: the white flippered little blue penguin, as well as fur seal colonies and many endangered bird species.
This shows what's possible when locals band together! After this story came out, and the winter trial of having no streetlighting was completed, 82% still wanted no street lighting or reduced street lighting. The positive outcome (printed in the Bay Harbour News on 14th Dec 2022) involved removing two-thirds of the existing high-pressure sodium streetlights, and retrofitting only three shielded, amber 2200 K LED streetlights that are turned off at midnight.
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